Friday, July 31, 2009


I just cleaned up some things on the blog. It was brought to my attention that my email address was not on my profile page, which was an oversight, so I put that up. I also corrected a typo on the profile page. I added a link to my galleries, and that brings up an interesting problem. Firefox, my browser of choice, does not work well with picassa photo galleries. If you are having trouble viewing the photos in firefox, you may want to try Safari or, gasp, internet explorer. What's up Mozilla? And then I added subscription services in case anyone wants that. I know that the exciting trip is over, but I plan to continue updating this blog regularly with whatever nonsense would otherwise spill from my brain directly onto the floor. So keep coming back and reading it, if that's your thing. And if anyone has a blog of their own, send me a link and I'll not only read it, but I'll post it for others to read. Personally, I like reading blogs. Especially if I'm supposed to be doing something like work, which sucks in comparison to reading blogs. Or if it's raining and cold outside, which is the default weather condition this summer.

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