Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I usually only write about skiing because, well, I really only care about skiing. No, that's not true, I care about stuff. Just not as much as skiing. Plus no one seems to care what I think about, with the possible and occasional exception of skiing. But here's the deal: I like writing and writing helps me get out of my own head for a little bit which, as anyone who's ever been in my head for any length of time will attest, is a good thing. So I'm going to have a go at writing about other stuff. Read it if you want, or if you're at work and you've already read all of your other blogs and whatnot and the only alternative is to actually get some work done. Just remember, I'm writing this for me, not for you, so don't leave me any nasty comments or I'll find out where you live and burn your house down.

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