Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Really long bicycle ride part 2

I am easily sidetracked and I can't quite get the post written that I sat down to write. So here goes again. I am preparing for a fairly long bicycle ride. I know it says really long ride in the title, but it's all relative. Some people think riding down to The Beer King for a six pack is a really long ride. I think riding from Prudhoe Bay to Tierra del Fuego is a really long ride. Consequently, the ride I am preparing for is only sort of long, about 900 miles or so. I am riding from my home here in Rutland VT to my former home of Freeland MI. Unless things don't go according to plan, in which case I may only be riding to Oxford MI, because my ultimate reason for doing this is to attend a memorial celebration for my Grandfather, who passed away 30 years ago.

One of the main reasons I am attempting this ride, which I have contemplated for some time, is that I have the privelege of company this time. My Uncle Marc, who hates to be introduced as my Uncle Marc (one of my very best friends that I've known virtually since I was a fetus, Marc?) is going to accompany me and the two of us are very excited to have this opportunity to ride our bikes and spend some time together. When I found out that he was interested in doing this thing it really solidified my resolve to make it happen. And so it shall. Here are the details as I know them right now:
Marc is arriving in Burlington VT on July 8

He has already purchased a new bike, a Surly Long Haul Trucker just like mine, which I have in my possession and will attempt to have prepared for his arrival.

We will probably do a ride and get our gear together on July 9.

We will hit the road on July 10.

As I mentioned, we have an engagement on July 25 in Oxford MI, so with any luck we will get there under our own power.

I don't know the route exactly but I do know that we are heading for Ticonderoga NY and points west of there on day one. The first couple of days present some pretty significant vertical relief, and after that the climbing mellows out.

We are both very excited to get underway.

I will try to post any info and photos that I can along the way, and of course anything notable that happens in the period immediately prior to setting off. I may or may not bring a computer with me. Depending on how much all of my other crap weighs. Wish us Luck.

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