Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sometimes reality is unpleasant

I'm so glad to see that the President's health care program is finally gaining some traction. There are some problems with the plan, of course, as many of the President's detractors have pointed out, but with something as big as universal health care there are bound to be some issues that need ironing out. We all know, deep down, that something must be done about this awful health care system we've got here. And of course no one wants to think about topics like "death panels" and "forced euthanasia" because these topics are, well, unpleasant. But sometimes we just have to accept that there is unpleasantness in this world that we live in and move on. I mean, sure, even I was disappointed to learn that the President is a left wing fascist, particularly because this fact only recently came to light but, let's not forget, we did elect him and now we owe him some respect. He's our left wing fascist illegitimate illegal immigrant Muslim president and that's what we do in this country, we respect the president even if we don't agree with some of his ideology. If you think about it, killing off our elderly citizens (at the discretion of the fascist government, of course) just makes good economic sense. Socializing health care is going to be expensive - how could we possibly manage to finance the socialized health care of all kinds of medically unsound hangers-on and all of the president's beloved illegal immigrants? We should be happy to bring those illegals under our socialist umbrella anyway. After all, illegals are more economically viable than old folks. Do you go down to the assisted living center looking for help when you need some holes dug in your yard? Hell no, you pick up a couple of Dominican day laborers on the street corner. Again, it all makes perfect economic sense once you get past the squeamishness. You can't fault the President for having a soft spot in his heart for illegals - evidently, he is one. Do we really want a man in the oval office who's unwilling to lend a hand to his own people? That's not what this country is about. And that's why I think it's important that we all band together and help this President pass his health care plan. We've all got to do our part and do what's right for this country, even, unfortunately, if that means being euthanized.

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