Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another way that technology makes life better

Say there was a girl I barely knew in high school (despite the fact that my class had less than 100 students) and I wanted to know A) if there was a test that could determine which character from the movie Grease this girl's personality most resembled and B) which character that might be, where would I look? Or, what if there was another girl from high school I barely knew (I never was very socially able) and I really had to know what kind of weird online games involving farm animals she played all day, every day. Or, what if I wanted to know how an acquaintance of mine handled the walking of his dogs this morning, or the poor service he got at his local coffee shop, or how unhappy he was about recent weather trends, or what he was planning on having for dinner, or some other mundane and totally trivial bit of information about him? What if what I really wanted was to start a virtual food fight with someone I know, or maybe don't really even know, and, you know, hit this person with a cyber hot dog? What if there was one place I could look to for all of these pressing needs? Oh wait, there is, it's called facebook. Wheee!

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