Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to get rear-ended by a local

Well, the foliage season is winding down here in Central Vermont. As beautiful as it is around here this time of year, and as happy as we all are to have some people here for a change to bolster our economy, this time of year presents a few challenges. For reasons that none of us can quite comprehend, people in the throes of a foliage binge will routinely stop their cars in the middle of the road and get out to take photos of nothing in particular. This can be somewhat of a surprise to those of us that end up taking the scenery for granted in the midst of our day to day travels. This year we had an additional challenge presented to us in the form of... hay sculptures. The Killington Chamber of Commerce or Economic Devlopement and Tourism Council, or some such organization sponsored this hay sculpture contest where local businesses built sculptures out of those giant round hay bales. There were bears and beavers and turkeys and owls and sushi rolls and all kinds of random stuff. When I first heard the idea, I have to admit that I thought it was kind of stupid. But it turns out that it was a pretty good idea because people really loved the things and it gave them another reason to stop unexpectedly in the middle of the road for a photo op. I guess this proves conclusively that if you build it, they will come. Even if "it" is something of totally dubious value. The event was such a success that next year they are planning some sort of festival to go along with the sculptures and Cabot Cheese (yum!) wants to sponsor it. People love stuff they can look at without getting too far away from their cars, that's for sure.

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